Multicloud Governance & Operation

Our technical support is always at your disposal

Choosing to operate in a Multicloud environment can be a complex challenge, yet full of opportunities: it requires consolidated skills and expertise, strategic vision, analytical skills and a deep knowledge of the specific business context.

Multiple Cloud environments are orchestrated and connected to each other, supplied by different providers and used for different purposes. The user can choose in a more or less automated way which single environment will be used to perform a particular task depending on the Cloud parameters needed: from simple sharing of documents and files, to high performance needed to analyze large amounts of data.

Flexibility, cost savings and no vendor lock-in: why you should choose Multicloud

Operating in a Multicloud environment offers many advantages:

An agile, powerful and customized infrastructure: why you should choose the Criticalcase Multicloud

Criticalcase offers integrated and customized Multicloud management solutions to support business management through a single multi-tenant portal, by using a VMware validated design that reduces costs and delivers innovative results. At Criticalcase, every component is designed with Cloud Computing, security and customer privacy in mind, with a constant focus on increasing business performance.


Cloud services offered by Criticalcase are based on a High Reliability infrastructure (H.A.) consisting of 7 Data Centers distributed across Italy and Europe, able to ensure the best latencies and service continuity with SLAs close to 100%.

After an accurate analysis of business needs, the team of Criticalcase specialists designs the most suitable Cloud solution for each customer, while supporting the growth of the business step by step and offering an active technical support H24.

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