Now that we have talked about the different layers of cloud computing it’s time to understand a bit better the different types of cloud that are available out there.
Once you will have decided which level is the best fitting for you business (IaaS, PaaS or SaaS) the next choice you will have to make is between: Public Cloud, Private Cloud or Hybrid Cloud. All levels can be found in these different “flavors”, but there is a huge difference in how this option changes the way they are used and delivered to customers. It is though very important to understand the characteristics of each of them in order to make a conscious choice from the very beginning.
Cloud Computing: Public, Private and Hybrid
Types of Cloud Computing: Public Cloud, Private Cloud and Hybrid Cloud
The differences between private cloud, public cloud and hybrid cloud for enterprise are as many as the types of data they store. Sometimes these differences narrow, but each type of cloud computing has different levels of security and varying degrees of management. One may be more flexible or scalable, while another might be more affordable.
There are of course a lot of factors to consider before choosing one or the other, but in my opinion the first ones should always be privacy and security. Once again it is very important to double check with your provider what are the boundaries of the contract you are signing so that you know from the very beginning what are the limits of the solution you are purchasing.

I will now give a very short definition of each of these different options and we will then discuss them more in details in the following articles.
- Public Cloud: A public cloud is one in which the services and infrastructure are provided off-site over the Internet by a Provider.
- Private Cloud: A private cloud is one in which the services and infrastructure are maintained on a private network. They are usually inside a company’s datacenter, but can also be provided by a third party Provider over the Internet. The key feature is that no one else other than the company owning the private cloud has access to any layer of the cloud (from hardware up to the application level). Everything is dedicated to one specific customer.
- Hybrid Cloud: Is a mix of Public and Private Cloud
It might seem at this point that the difference is only a matter of location of the cloud, but as we will discover better in the following articles, it’s not only that. Privacy and security are actually the two parameters involved when it comes down to draw a line between the three groups. This division is for sure more blurry that the one between IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, but not less important. Our goal as usual is to try and give you a better understanding of what your options are in order to allow you making a more conscious decision.
If you are interested in having more information about Cloud Computing take a look at CriticalCase’s cloud solutions or contact us with the form below. One of our experts will help you finding the right solution for your need.
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