The migration to Cloud helps to reduce significantly expense and optimize costs for your business.
An increasing number of firms is moving to Cloud-based technologies, but during this migration is necessary to be careful about some elements that, if underrated, could damage the company. There are many benefits deriving from the use of the Cloud, but there are also some very common mistakes that enterprises often do, by compromising their businesses.
What are the main mistakes to avoid in the Cloud?

1. Not establish a role-base access
Limit the access to sensitive information only to authorized personnel is crucial. As not everybody has the access to financial data whithin a office, not everybody working in the Cloud should access to all the information contained in it. It is good to improve the security measures, for instance by adding more step in the authentication phase which can block the access to unauthorized people.
2. Assuming that data in the Cloud are automatically protected
It’s the typical mistake companies make, thinking that security solutions to protect data are automatically provided by the vendor. The service provider has to be compliant with some standard of security, but that you aren’t responsible for securing your own data, indeed you have to do it at your own time and expense. The good news is that secure your data enables to get saving in time end money, because it prevents the loss of important information.
3. Not ensuring a reliable service
The idea of cut costs choosing a low-cost service provider can be tempting. But putting data at risk in order to save a bit of money at the end will cost more, both at financial level and in all of the trouble of losing your information. Always ensure you have the proper network requirements to run your Cloud technologies.
4. Getting lock-in by your vendor
You could find difficult migrating from a provider to another one for many different reasons, despite of your desire to do it. To avoid these kind of situations, it is necessary to check and ask questions prior to any agreement being made.
5. Not having a backup plan
Knowing the way to recover your data is essential. Once data are secured through specific backup solutions, peace of mind is ensured even in case of a disaster.
Do you want to migrate to Cloud? Discover all the benefits and ask for a free consulting with our experts!
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