8 reasons why every business need to use Cloud Computing services.

In the last post we saw what is Cloud Computing and what kinds of service offers to companies. Nowadays firms can’t do without Cloud Computing technology. There are very few businesses that still are not using Cloud solution and many of them are getting ready to migrate their IT System on more up-to-date infrastructures.

Well, why companies should use Cloud services? Which are Cloud Computing benefits for business?

1. Cost optimization and no initial investment
One of the greatest benefit of Cloud Computing is cost saving. The Cloud allows to use resources, networking and security solutions without infrastructure cost or high initial investments. You can avoid to purchase hardware like storage, switch, hypervisor, backup software programs and more, because all the infrastructure elements are provided by the Cloud vendor.
2. Availability
Cloud resources are available just in time! They can be activated in a few minutes and the infrastructure is available remotely from any place and at any moment. For instance, do you need to deploy a new application or to activate a development environment rapidly? Well, you got it!
3. Productivity
Thanks to Cloud Computing you can optimize costs but also resources, by maximizing the system productivity and effectiveness. Indeed, Cloud enables to reach the highest price-service ratio, even when business needs change.
4. Pay-per-use model
The use of Cloud Computing has a good effect on costs also because of the pay-per-use billing model. With that model, you pay only the resources actually used, resulting in a great cost saving.
5. High-scalability
Cloud allows to avoid dangerous downtimes by offering the highest scalability possible during traffic peaks or fast increase/decrease of computing resources.
6. System security
Cloud infrastructure are designed to ensure to customers the maximum security, by using the latest technologies and tools to protect business data and systems. Security measures include:
– Data Center security
– Backup and Disaster Recovery
– Log & Identity Management
– Management and prevention of threats
7. IT outsourcing
Cloud Computing is the ideal tool to rethink the business structure by giving in outsourcing IT processes. This way the company is free to focus on the growth of its core business, without worrying about infrastructural aspects.
8. Applications
Cloud Computing allows to develop new application solutions thanks to the strong automation of IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and the As-a-Service solutions in general. The use of API and turn-key solutions cut down costs and allows to get unparalleled performances and scalability.

Find out more about our Cloud services and request your free consulting with our Cloud experts now!


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