What is a data center?

The data center represents the technological core of any business, because it ensures the 24 hours functioning of all the processes, communications and services in support of business activities. The data center, also called CED or server farm, hosts all the equipment needed to manage the business Information System. Among these machines there are servers, storage, routers and everything needed to guarantee the business continuity.

The business efficiency is determined by data centers: indeed, it is through them that large amounts of data and processes are handled, and they are essential for the business survival and continuity.

In addition, the data center represents the basis for the company’s development and growth and it provides for a series of activities of technical consulting for what it is related to processes digitasation, electronic data processing, design and build of information systems and integration with the external systems. The size of a data center varies greatly and it depends on the company’s needs; it can be just a closet (rack), or a room or even an entire building.

How does a data center work?

In a few words, data centers guarantee the global business continuity. But how?
data centers are highly specialised establishments, designed and built to assure the provision of the maximum efficiency to systems, services and devices. That is possible thanks to completely redundant connectivity systems and infrastructures, that is to say they are all duplicated to ensure the machine operation even in case of failures.

Data centers host a range of different machines: in addition to servers there are storage (collecting data systems), systems to monitor, manage and control the equipment, routers and switches designed to conduct the traffic, applicationstelecommunications infrastructures and other connected accessories. Besides, to ensure the continuity of operations, there are also Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS), as well as advanced security systems which include specific conditioning systems and security installations, as cooling and fire-fighting systems.

Virtual Data Center (VDC) or Cloud Data Center

Thanks to virtualization and Cloud, traditional data centers have evolved into Virtual Data Center (called also Cloud Data Center). That means that, as well as physical machines, next-generation data centers host a lot of virtual servers, by optimizing the use of hardware resources, reducing consumption and simplifying the management. Indeed, with virtual machines you can make all the operations on servers remotely and easily, and you can get a significant saving in terms of cost for the infrastructure purchase and maintenance.

Are you thinking about migrate to Cloud? We can help you: reserve your free consulting now!


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