Cloud services: which are the key factors to choose the right solution?

Cloud Computing world is wide and also pretty varied: there are different types of Cloud, as well as different solutions and different ways of providing them too, but overall you should be careful about the Provider and the quality of service you choose. Indeed, among Cloud service providers there are many differences in terms of cost, quality, availability and support, and many more. Before selecting the right Cloud service, or rather, choose the best Cloud provider for your business requirements, you need to know which are the basic factors so you can make the right choice.

Which are the features to be considered when you evaluate a Cloud service? How to choose the best Cloud provider? Here’s some essential parameters to keep in mind when you are choosing the best Cloud service for your business:

Scalability & Flexibility
First of all, a high-level Cloud service has to ensure a high-scalability and enables customers to increase or reduce Cloud resources according to the present needs. A flexible service helps companies to prevent the wastages, save money and assure the best optimization of Cloud environments and the greatest performances.

How to evaluate the many packages on the web, all the same for every business? Surely they don’t represent the ideal solution for who needs a high-quality Cloud service: each online project has unique features and the best Cloud solution is able to fit them perfectly, by guaranteeing a good level of customization for all aspects. This way you are sure that the Cloud solution you are purchasing is the best for your company, because it has been designed just for you and for your business needs.

Availability & SLA
This is a key parameter and it shows the security and trust level you can put on the Cloud vendor. High SLA, or customized SLA, ensure the availability of the service and (almost) no downtimes. This factor affects even more on the choice of the best Cloud service when we talk about complex web projects like high-traffic websites or e-commerce sites, where the availability must reach the highest levels.

Infrastructure & Technology
The infrastructure is very important to ensure the best performances to customers. Next-gen data centers use the latest technology on the market and have high security standards which outdated infrastructure can’t give.

Technical support
A decisive factor is related to the technical assistance. The availability and readiness of staff to give immediate support when technical issues occur makes the difference and determines the provider’s responsibility and professionalism. In addition, the best vendor is able to provide the complete management of the Cloud service when the customers has a lack of time or technical skills. This way the company is free to focus on the development of its core business, sure to rely on experts hands.


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