New business plan and new objectives to promote the development of the 4th industrial revolution in Italy.

In the last post we talked about industry 4.0, 4th industrial revolution, robotics and industrial automation…But in practical terms, what is the Italian situation?

In November 2015, the Ministry for Economic Development drew up a paper dedicated to the compliance of our country with the new current revolution, in which are identified eight areas of intervention to promote and develop the industry 4.0.

1. Boost industrial investments, in particular on research and development
2. Facilitate the growth of companies
3. Facilitate the innovation in the entrepreneurship
4. Establish interoperable protocols and criteria endorsed at European level
5. Guarantee network security and privacy
6. Ensure appropriate network infrastructure
7. Spread new skills for industry 4.0
8. Channel financial resources

Then, the last September, the Minister Calenda presented the plan of Italian Government for industry 4.0. The aim was to mobilize additional private investments of 10 billions more (for a total of 10 billion of euros), with particular focus on new technologies, and resources dedicated to early stage projects, from 2017-2020.

During th current year, competence centers and digital innovation hubs will be put in place at national level to support and accelerate the digital transformation, six consortia designated to discussions about IoT standards and a road show of sensitisation along the whole Italy, in which will be involved universities, associations, companies, institutions.

The plan 4.0 of the Italian Government has chosen to guide the innovation of companies towards digitization and integration, and especially, private investments on technologies and goods are promoted with special depreciation for the industry 4.0.

Next week we will see in details what these amortizations are and how companies can use them to make their business more competitive at European level and comply with the evolution of technology.

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