Where the future of companies is going to?
The term Industry 4.0 refers to the trend towards industrial automation that’s affecting the manufacturing field, through the introduction of new technologies of production that increase work conditions, productivity and quality of the installations.
Industry 4.0 represents nevertheless that the fourth industrial revolution, thanks to the introduction of the internet. After the advent of the steam, followed by electricity and IT technologies, the World Wide Web is changing the entire productive system, and it will change it totally in the near future.

The main cause of this evolution are cybernetic systems, meaning intelligent machines, connected to the internet and linked to one another, able to collaborate and to generate, analyse and interpret a large amount of data, with the aim of improving continuosly the productive processes. Indeed, with the introduction of Internet of Things and automated systems, industry 4.0 is changing completely the production processes, the installations, the products but also the business models and the relationships in the supply chain.

Men, machines ad objects will be increasingly inter-connected, generating what is called Smart manufacturing: a new organization of the value chain, based on the analysis of data emitted by the machines themselves for the sustained improvement of the production system.
It is a big opportunity for the industry, but companies that will not be able to understand the change run the risk of being less competitive in the future market.
Changes linked to industry 4.0 involve every area of the product market but especially the whole company.
To deal with these transformations in the best possible way is necessary to have a complete vision of the productive process: the fourth revolution is not only related to the production system, but affects all the business sectors, from marketing to data management, to relationships with clients and vendors. It’s not just a revolution of the structures but also a cultural one, that will invest all the processes and all the roles, without exception.
The industrial production will be completely automated and inter-connected, and the changing process toward that direction will be stimulated and made easier by the digitisation, thanks to that even customers’ needs and behaviour are changing, in any field.
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