On 21st, 22nd and 23rd of June the Web Marketing Festival comes back to Rimini: the VI edition proposes three days dedicated to digital innovation seen under all its aspects. The Rimini’s Palacongressi will host more than 50 events with over 30 training rooms, 20 ventures, workshops, debates, inspirational talks and an exhibition area with the main Italian and International digital players.
The 2018 edition is full of novelty: for the first time on three days, since this year the festival is officially member of the “Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition”, a project of Europe Union that has the aim of limit the digital illiteracy and ensure the development of proper skills to European citizens, in order to meet the digital skills required in the labour market.

After the successful previous editions, that have hosted over 12.000 attendees, including 200 sponsors and more than 300 startups and investors, the festival comes back with over 400 speakers and guests and 20 ventures, positioning itself as an incubator of innovation and a development and training tool. The building will host inspirational talks and debates on trending topics, as Digital Transformation, Social and Open Innovation, digital marketing, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and digital jobs. The training program is wide and includes over 30 rooms dedicated to different fields about digital innovation: Blockchain, Content Marketing, Coding & IT, Social Advertising, Big Data and the digital aspects of Food, Fashion, HR industries are the main focus of this edition. Many companies and associations have signed up in support of training and dedicated projects, including Barilla, Enel, Fondazione FICO, Legambiente and Gruppo Fini.
In the exhibition area there will be the main Italian and International tech players, that offer a unique opportunity to make networking and business matching during the conference. In addition, thanks to a tool made available by the festival, participants could schedule an appointment with the companies and meet them at their booth during the event. Among the sponsors there will be enterprises of high level like Google, Facebook and Microsoft, and this year there will be also an area dedicated to smart technologies and tech solutions, where the Makers will expose their products, giving the opportunity to access to that kind of technologies to a bigger target.

The 20 ventures scheduled for the festival include something new. In addition to Digital Job Placement, WMF Awards and WMF Lab (dedicated to students and entrepreneurship), this year there will be also the “Fake News Hackathon”. Created to fight the online misinformation, it collets different digital professionals with the aim to find efficient solutions to solve the fake news issue. Other news of the VI edition are the “Digital for sport” venture, to encourage the very young to a more aware use of digital media, and the “Startup Competition Young”, a young version of the traditional venture of the festival, dedicated to under 22 young entrepreneurs. Also this year, indeed, will take place the biggest Startup Competition in Italy, in which the finalists could expose their project to the public and to the major players of the field.
The venture was created with the purpose to promote the digital innovation with the contribution of International partners like Electrolux, TIM Wcap and Unicredit Start Lab. So, a festival in the spirit of digital innovation, full of surprises and news to keep exploring the digital world in every facet, among training, sustainability, music, entertainment, networking, startups, sport and more. This year we also participate to the web marketing festival 2018 as official sponsor: we wait for you at the booth n.37 – ground floor- with many innovative solutions. For more information you can visit the official website and buy the last tickets.
Would you like to meet us? Schedule an appointment during the event and find out all our solutions!
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