Italy and the fourth industrial revolution: what technologies to invest in?

The Italian Government’s plan to promote Industry 4.0 includes interesting tax benefits for companies who want to invest in new production technologies, complying with the European level and keeping competitive on the market, that is constantly evolving. In particular, we are talking about special depreciation on the purchase of new capital equipment and tangible and intangible assets (software and IT systems), that enable the technological transformation of the business and guide it towards innovative production processes, aligned with the new industry benchmarks.

From one side, are promoted expenditures for operations in Industry 4.0, from the other side, the investments dedicated exclusively to research and development, to increase the digitization of Italian enterprises. Investments supported are related to purchases in the technology and digital field that, as written in the 2017 Budget Law, include 4 main categories of goods:

1. Capital equipment the performance of which is controlled by computer systems

2. Systems to guarantee the quality and the sustainability of productive processes

3. Devices for man machine interaction and for the improvement of security and ergonomics in the workplace

4. Intangible assets (software solutions, system integration, platforms and applications) connected to investments in industry 4.0 tangible assets

All the companies are eligible for these tax breaks, including individual businesses, and the benefits are valid for investments made in 2017. Timeline have been extended until June 2018, following the purchasing order and an advance of 20% within the end of the current year.
These bonuses may be cumulated with other tax benefits, for instance “Nuova Sabatini”, tax credit and depreciation for startups and innovative Smes.


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