What are the main virtualization solutions and how to choose the best one for your business?
We already talked widely about the concept of virtualization and about the several advantages arising from its use. But in practice what are the virtualization services for business?
There are many virtualization solutions depending on the elements and the tools involved. Today we shed some light on the major solutions used in the IT world: Virtual Private Server (VPS), Virtual Data Center (VDC) and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).
They are very different and your choice depends on the specific needs of your business: let’s see what are the main differences among them.
Virtual Private Server (VPS)
This solution is about virtualize the server (the infrastructure) through a virtual machine.
The physical server became available as a virtual resource ensuring a big reduction of IT costs and dedicated resources for the user who activate it, because it’s a peculiarity of VPS being a “private” server (as you can easily understand by its name!). Moreover, it guarantees a greater infrastructure security, more flexible resources and other interesting benefits. In the next article we will explore this concept in depth and we will clear the difference between VPS and cloud server.
Virtual Data Center (VDC)
A data center is a physical space in which lies the ICT infrastructure behind the company business (server, air conditioning…). The virtual data center, also named cloud data center, is the virtual version of a data center which therefore don’t use physical repository and leans on the cloud power.
The VDC offers storage, applications and resources in a transparent way to the ending user, who don’t need to buy, manage and maintains the IT physical infrastructure anymore.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
This solution is even different: it is about hosting the entire desktop environment remotely. This way users can access from any place and any device, working easily from home or when travelling. VDI improves productivity and keep the business always safe and up-to-date, thanks to the ease of software updates and to the sensitive data off-site storage, wich minimize the loss of information.
Today we took a quick look at the virtualization solutions, trying to highlight type, goals and benefits. In the next articles we will discuss deeply any specific solution, so stay tuned!
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