Have a backup strategy is very important for every kind of business, including the smallest. The information stored in the IT system are crucial to keep your firm on the market. Imagine what would happen if you lose your customers data, or information about payments or accounts: it would be tragic for your company! In this post we will see how to define a good backup strategy to keep your business and its future safe and sound.

Why a backup strategy is essential for your business?

Data backup is essential because you will never know when something will happen that threatens your data and your company’s survival. Let’s see some examples.

  • Did you know that the Pixar almost abandon the “Toy Story 2” movie for a human error? Accidentally an employee cancelled a year of work in just 20 seconds by entering a wrong server command. The Disney team found out in that moment that backups had been failing, but no one had noticed it. Thankfully, a supervisor had saved those files on a personal computer, and the movie was saved.
  • We are talking about a photographer and its last work, a wedding. The photographer transferred all the event’s photographs on his computer and reformatted the memory card of the camera for the next job. The hard disk of his personal computer failed, and he lost all the photos. What will happen to his professional career?

Data loss can happen for many different reasons: hardware failures, natural disasters, human errors. So you’d be better to have a security plan to protect your business data.

4 steps to define your backup strategy

1. Identify which data need a backup protection
It may seem easy, but it’s not. Think about where your data are stored: laptops, on-premise servers, data center servers? If you have employees, maybe there are many places in which your information are stored, for instance:

    • File servers
    • Local drives of employees
    • USB drives of employees
    • Laptops

First of all, try to understand where are the data and which need to be backed up.


2. Define your backup goal and method
Different backup strategies support different goals. Your business may need backup to restore data fastly or to maintain business operations. You can also decide where allocate the backup system. You can choose Cloud or on-premise storage systems. The best backup strategy is use a hybrid architecture to ensure the maximum security and data protection. In addition, there are two main backup methods, based on file-level or image-level. The second one is useful when you need to restore the entire system because it’s faster.

3. Consider what your are protecting your business against
You may need to be protected from possible errors of your employees, as the deletion of important files. You should protect your business from data loss caused by possible natural disasters, too. In that case, if the backup server is in your office, business data would be surely lost. Would happen the same in case of fire. You should consider all these options to choose the right backup strategy for your business.

4. Develop your backup strategy
And finally, you are ready to develop your own backup strategy. Thanks to the collection of information in the previous steps and to the decision made about the best goals, places and methods to store your business data, now you can carry out your backup system. You just need to find a backup service provider, which can help you to get the best backup strategy easily and efficiently.

Do you need more information about our backup solutionsReserve now a free consulting with our experts and choose the right strategy for your business!


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