What they are and how they work?
Today we talk about containers, one of the hottest topics in the Cloud computing field. They are an emerging technology which enables to execute an application and its dependencies in processes isolated by resources.
Imagine being able to virtualize just a small part of the machine instead of the whole system: the result is containers. This innovative method of virtualization promise a streamlined, easy-to-deploy and secure method of implementing specific infrastructure requirements, representing a valid alternative to Virtual machines.

The Cloud world is gradually revolutionizing thanks to containers, meaning virtualization and isolation of a part of the system and not of the entire machine. The outstanding feature is that containers create an isolation boundary at the application level rather than at the server level. This isolation means that if anything goes wrong in that single container it only affects that individual container and not the whole VM or server.This abstraction level brings several benefits that we will see in the coming posts.
In addition, containers are smaller than virtual machines and they request less computing power. They don’t need the hypervisor as the VM and they respond to the need of flexibility and saving necessary to use the Cloud resources. Containers are an advanced technology unique for its modularity and compatibility, which determines its largest business advantage.
What are the particular benefits of containers? What are the main differences with the more popular virtual machines? How was container technology born? We will talk about it next weeks, by going deeper in the analysis of containers technology.
Do you want to know more? Request a free consulting on container technology to our specialists!
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