Sending emails and newsletter: what is a black list?
A black list collects a number of IP addresses corresponding to users that are considered spammers. That list is connected to many servers which block the outbound traffic of the email addresses present. So, if you end up in a black list, your ability of sending emails will be inhibited because they are considered as spam and the recipients will not get your communications. Remove your address from that list is not impossible, but surely is not easy or fast. Some tips allow you to reduce the possibility of end up in a black list and avoid negative consequences, especially in terms of bad reputation of your domain.

Follow these advice and avoid to be labeled as spammer:
- Update the anti-virus
Keeping updated the antivirus software avoid that possible malwares infiltrate and infect your computer and your mail system, by sending spam emails with your IP address. - Double opt-in
The double opt-in includes a confirmation e-mail after a user’s subscription to a newsletter. With that system is guaranteed the maximum respect of privacy and it is the best way to avoid sending emails to wrong or inexistent addresses. Indeed, together with not requested newsletters, sending communications to inexistent addresses affects the deliverability rate of the email account, meaning the probability of end up in the imbox rather than in the spam folder. Pay attention to your database: a lower domain reputation means a higher probability of ending up in the spam folder. - Use professional software programs
If you need to send massive communications to large databases, it is advisable to use a dedicated software rather than a traditional mailing account, because that kinds of programs reduce the risk of end up in a black list. - Frequency
The frequency of emails affects the credibility of your account. Try not to overeat with the number of emails sent to your contact list, especially if you write business emails, because they may be categorised as spam and determine the inclusion of your IP address in a black list. - Make yourself known
Make sure that your contacts recognize your email address or alias. Once users know you, they won’t feel inclined to report you as spammer. - Difficult unsubscription
The unsubscription’s procedure must be easy and fast. If there are many things to do or users can’t find the unsubscription link, they may report you for a black list very quickly!
And what about the email format?
– Put more text than images
– Don’t use too small fonts or too bright colors
– Don’t put too much space between words and be careful about the format
– Check typing errors because the text may seem translated and be categorised as foreign spam
– Put the “alt” attribute to each image
– Avoid inserting too many attachments in a single mail
– Don’t use some specific words as free, click here, you won etc…because you end up directly in the spam!
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