Why choose Terraform and what are its benefits compared to other tools?

Today we still talk about Terraform, the open source tool to design and manage IT infrastructures: a simple and very efficient work instrument, compatible with many different providers.

In the next lines we will see in depth the main benefits offered by Terraform to its end users and the difference with others tools avilable in the IT market.

– Infrastructure as a code
As we said in the last posts, one of the big benefits it’s the possibility of creating, changing and updating the infrastructure like it’s a real code. This removes many issues and, additionally, it allows operators to share and re-use the infrastructure.

-Execution plans
Terraform has execution plans which show changes before you call apply. This feature enables to avoid any surprise when Terraform manipulates the infrastructure.

– Resource graph
Terraform builds a graph of all the resources and shows also the creation and modification of non-dependent resources. Thanks to this, it is possible to create the infrastructure as efficiently as possible.

– Change automation
You can make complex changeset with the minimum human interaction. Thanks to execution plans and resource graph, just mentioned, you know exactly what Terraform will change and how, avoiding many possible human errors.

– Flexibility
Terraform provides high-flexibility in terms of resources and providers. It enables representing everything from phisical hardware to emails, and thanks to this it can be used to solve many problems. Indeed, compared to other programs, the use of terraform is not mutually exclusive but it is compatible with multiple tools and vendors.

Do you want to use Terraform but you don’t know how to start? Contact us, our specialists will call you back for a free consulting!


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